Gemini offers several features and products, including:
Gemini Earn: Use your crypto balance, including stablecoins, to earn up to 7.4% APY (as of Aug. 10, 2021). Actual APYs will vary depending on the coins you hold. One nice feature of Gemini Earn is that there aren’t requirements to keep your crypto for a set period of time to earn a yield. You can move your crypto and any interest earned back into your trading account at any time.
ActiveTrader: For those more interested in active trading, it’s possible to use this platform to execute complex orders in less than a second. Fees are based on volume, and it's possible to make trades that aren’t normally available on the “regular” exchange.
Gemini Dollar: Gemini’s proprietary stablecoin is linked to the U.S. dollar and is highly liquid. It can be used on a number of other decentralized exchanges. Additionally, you can keep it in your Gemini account to earn interest, and it can be used with Gemini Pay at select retailers.
Gemini Pay: You can use the Gemini mobile app to pay at more than 30,000 retailers in the United States. It’s possible to pay using crypto, so you don’t have to make an effort to exchange your crypto for fiat currency on your own.
Gemini Wallet: Gemini offers both a hot wallet and a cold storage system. On top of that, Gemini has insurance to cover the coins you keep with their service.
Gemini Clearing: If you’re interested in off-exchange trading, you can choose to trade directly with another party. Gemini offers clearing services for peer-to-peer trades.
Last updated